Clarity Mac Cloud Security

There is a misconception that macOS is less susceptible to cyber attacks and breaches. However, once you are online and connected, you must have an effective security strategy. Particularly web based businesses, who are constantly facing cyber attacks ranging from malware, ransomware, viruses, phishing and more. Thus, securing your data and Mac servers is mission critical. So, you can’t afford to wait until you face a security breach. With custom solutions from Clarity Mac Cloud Security, your Mac Cloud is secured.

Clarity offers the full spectrum of leading cybersecurity services and cloud cybersecurity expertise for Apple Mac Infrastructure, threat detection and active threat remediation responses, DDoS Mitigation, Firewalls, VPNs, customized cybersecurity strategies and much more.

Security is the Clarity Advantage. So we work with you to build security into all Clarity Mac technology solutions, especially Clarity Mac Cloud. That’s why Clarity is a leader in developing custom Mac IT security solutions. 

Benefits of Clarity Mac Cloud Security

  • Expert cybersecurity and cloud security consulting services.
  • Security and data protection for Apple Mac Infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity strategies and implementation. 
  • Clarity’s expert cybersecurity security protocols mitigate issues when a Clarity Mac server is deployed.
  • Clarity DDoS mitigation for your Apple Mac Infrastructure. 
  • Customized secure remote access VPNs.
  • Real time cybersecurity monitoring and cloud monitoring. 
  • Firewall options from Shared Firewalls, Dedicated Firewalls, WAFs and NGFWs.
  • Endpoint protection.
  • Secure remote solutions.
  • Vulnerability assessments.
  • PEN tests.
  • Current International and Canadian cybersecurity best practices.

  • Full spectrum of security solutions for all platforms including security for Mac and Apple infrastructures.
  • Clarity’s Mac Managed Firewall Services give your business that extra layer of security on the perimeter network.
  • 24/7 365 Full Spectrum Support that includes access to Clarity’s Apple Mac Infrastructure specialists. 
  • State of the art and highly secure Canadian based data centers.

Connect with Clarity to protect your Mac Cloud servers data and create an affordable cybersecurity solution with Clarity’s customizable security options.

Clarity Mac VPNs | Mac Security

Most businesses are not set up to work remotely. However, there is an increasing demand for remote work solutions. A VPN tunnel secures your internet connection. Allowing encrypted communications and protecting the data you transmit to your Mac Mini and Mac Pro servers

If your business needs to quickly provide secure connections for your hosted Dedicated Mac Mini or Dedicated Mac Pro for your employees who are working from home or who travel, then consider a Clarity Mac VPN.

A Clarity Mac VPN encrypts your traffic through a secure end-to-end VPN tunnel to ensure optimal security of your data and communications. It also provides the flexibility for remote users to be connected to network resources and services in their Mac Cloud. So with a Clarity Mac VPN, you and your employees can connect anywhere, at any time with any device.

Benefits of Clarity Mac VPN solutions

  • Cybersecurity strategies specifically for your VPN solutions 
  • Affordable and scalable Clarity Mac VPN solutions for all businesses, no matter if you need a client-to-site remote access VPN or a site-to-site VPN.
  • Clarity clients can choose to deploy IPSEC and SSL for their remote access VPN.
  • Encrypted VPN tunnels to Clarity’s secure Mac servers located in our high security Canadian data centers.
  • 24/7 365 Apple Mac Infrastructure Full Spectrum Support that includes access to Clarity’s cybersecurity support. 

Clarity Mac Site-to-Site VPN

A Site-to-Site VPN provides secure traffic from your premises to your Mac Mini server or Mac Pro server hosted at our Canadian Data Center. This provides a constant full time connection for communication to and from your Mac Server. Clarity looks at your existing Apple hardware that will be connecting and establishes a Site-to-Site VPN tunnel to see if it is compatible. We can also make a recommendation on the best suited VPN technology solution that will maximize reliable connectivity.

Clarity Mac Client-to-Site VPN

A Client VPN connection will allow your employees working remotely or who are traveling, a quick secure way to access your Mac Mini server or Mac Pro server. The connection can be established from wherever you are in the world to offer the ultimate flexibility in encrypted communications. You can use a third party client or a native client on your OS to open connections and then the heavy lifting will be done on the VPN appliance that is hosted at our Data Center.

Using Clarity’s managed firewalls, communication to your hosted Mac Mini server or Mac Pro server will be secured via a VPN tunnel. There are a wide range of protocols and each has their own benefits and disadvantages, but Clarity offers the full spectrum: IPSEC and SSL.

With more and more employees working remotely, you need access to encrypted tunnels for secure communications. That’s where Clarity’s VPN expertise can help your employees and your business stay secure and connected. 

Connect with Clarity to learn more about how Clarity Mac Security VPNs can help you secure your Mac server while providing remote working possibilities. 

Clarity Mac Firewalls | Mac Security

Clarity’s Firewalls for Apple Mac Infrastructure is a strong secure shield against unwanted traffic and breaches. Without strong firewall protection, you risk losing not only data, but open your business to legal risks. So you can’t afford not to secure your Mac environment with the best firewalls.

What is a Firewall?

Firewalls are a cybersecurity tool that manages security threats and mitigate risks. They help secure your data. Making sure you are complying with regulatory policies, while also increasing productivity. Firewalls range from software, hardware or are cloud-based. Every type of firewall has its own security strengths. 

Benefits of Clarity Mac Firewalls

  • Comprehensive cybersecurity assessment and strategies.
  • Full scale firewall customization for your Mac environment.
  • Stopping and mitigating unwanted access to your Mac Private Cloud or Dedicated Mac Mini and Dedicated Mac Pro Servers.
  • Completely managed firewalls.
  • Restricting access from approved IPs.
  • Setting incoming and outgoing traffic filters.
  • High Availability shared firewall options.
  • Free Fortinet endpoint client which includes AV, App FW and VA.
  • Blocking access or denying access to specific ports.
  • Preventing unauthorized users.
  • Secure encrypted communications with Mac VPN tunnels.
  • Logging and document for compliance.
  • 24/7 365 Full Spectrum Support that includes access to Clarity Mac cybersecurity support.

How Many Types of Firewalls are There?

There are two types of Mac firewall services offered:  Managed Shared Firewalls and Managed Dedicated Firewalls.

Clarity’s Mac Managed Shared Firewalls

Managed Shared Firewalls are a Clarity Mac managed service. With our Managed Shared Firewalls, you get Fortinet’s endpoint client which includes AV, Applications Firewalls and VA. Clarity also configures your shared firewalls security parameters and rules. It is a physical device on a shared cluster with other clients on a public VLAN. This means that you are protected from external IP addresses that are outside your IP scope and subnet. However, you will still be visible to other clients that share the same IP subnet. If additional security behind the network is necessary, you can get a dedicated public VLAN or lock down your native OS firewalls.

Clarity’s Mac Managed Dedicated Firewalls

A Managed Dedicated Firewall is also a managed service that you can add to your Dedicated Mac Mini and Dedicated Mac Pro servers or Mac Private Cloud. However, it is a dedicated appliance that is dedicated to your Mac environment. Dedicated Firewalls include a private VLAN, providing total separation and exclusion on the hardware layer through NAT. Even though Clarity Mac clients lock down their native OS firewalls, it is not necessary under this service. With Clarity Mac Dedicated Firewalls you get additional features such as secure VPN connectivity for encrypted communications.

Connect with Clarity to find out which Clarity Mac Security Firewall solutions will shield your Mac environment the best.

Clarity Mac DDoS Protection | Mac Security

DDoS attacks impact your business. Investing in solid DDoS mitigation planning and DDoS protection for your Mac Server benefits your entire business. 

If your business has a website, then you need DDoS Mitigation. You can’t afford to be offline at any time. Even being down for an hour can be damaging. Especially, if your business engages in e-commerce or has a client portal. DDoS Mitigation helps keep you online and secures your Mac server.

Clarity’s DDoS Protection mitigates a DDoS attack within 60 seconds, and it protects you against Layer 3, 4 and 7 DDoS attacks. Additionally, it protects your sensitive systems, data and privacy. Thus, reducing the risk of a data breach.

Benefits of Clarity Mac Cloud Security DDoS Mitigation

  • Automatic DDoS attack detection and mitigation.
  • Fastest Time-to-Mitigation (TTM) within 3 seconds or less.
  • Comprehensive DDoS mitigation assessment and plan.
  • Industry leading 960Gbps DDoS protection.
  • Clarity’s cybersecurity team configures and fine tunes new web application security settings during a DDoS attack. 
  • 100% cloud based high capacity DDoS scrubbing center in Canada that supports data sovereignty that is PCI DSS 3.1 compliant.
  • Ensuring you are always online with our cloud-based infrastructure designed to handle even the largest volume of DDoS attacks.
  • Over 30 POPs around the world and strategically positioned mitigation and scrubbing centers.
  • 24/7 365 Apple Mac Infrastructure Full Spectrum Support that includes access to Clarity’s DDoS security. 

Connect with Clarity to learn more about how Clarity Mac’s DDoS Mitigation protects you.

Clarity Mac Monitoring | Mac Security

Monitor your Apple servers to minimize downtime with various Clarity Mac monitoring tools that provide flexibility in configuring alerts to prevent outages. Real time monitoring of your Mac Mini server, Mac Pro server or Mac Cloud can help you stay online.

Clarity Mac Cloud Security creates customized alerts that allow our cybersecurity team to detect, diagnose and troubleshoot disruptions. Depending on the services that you are running on your Mac server, there are a lot of monitoring options to choose from to ensure high availability.

Benefits of Clarity’s Monitoring

  • Proactive mitigation against outages by continuous collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) such as CPU, memory use, disk usage and network latency.
  • Uptime monitoring that also tests the availability of your website, applications and servers.
  • Public monitoring probes.
  • Monitoring of any OS such as: macOS, Windows and Linux.
  • Bare metal and on-prem monitoring as well as private and public cloud monitoring for Mac environments. 
  • Monitoring of Dedicated Mac Mini and Dedicated Mac Pro and Mac Cloud infrastructures.
  • Monitoring for network latency.
  • Service monitoring such as: PING, DNS, HTTP/S TCP, UDP.
  • Monitoring of your entire Apple Mac environment to efficiently manage your Apple infrastructure, from public to private which includes all networked Apple devices.
  • Real time monitoring of your Mac networks and Mac servers for you 24/7 365 days a year.

Connect with Clarity to find out how Clarity Mac Cloud Security can work for you.