Transforming How Your Business Works with Google G Suite

Businesses looking for new collaborative ways of working and reducing their IT spend are finding Google G Suite is transforming how their business works.

When it comes to productivity apps, Google G Suite has a lot to offer. There’s a lot more to Google G Suite than email. Over the years, Google has developed its platform with focus on helping people work better, smarter and more collaboratively than ever before.

A Quick Rundown of Popular Apps in Google G Suite

In addition to Google’s popular Gmail service, they have integrated a suite of apps which make working collaboratively easier and faster.

Google Docs for example, allows teams to work collaboratively on a single document. There is no need to endlessly email a document back and forth. With Google Docs, the word document is hosted in the cloud and always available.

The same goes for Google Slides, their presentation builder, and Google Sheets, which is its spreadsheet app. Both are designed to make working together easier.

Google Chats or Google Meet gives employees the ability to video conference or connect online within the Google platform. There is no need to purchase another app to hold conference calls or facilitate internal chat needs.

Increasingly, Google Forms has gained popularity for surveying employees and customers on their needs. But also, when it comes to employee engagement, their Currents app allows businesses to connect their employees in discussions where they can share links, docs, images, ideas and more. This is a great productivity tool for growing businesses with employees who are
geographically spread out.

These are just some of the productivity apps in Google G Suite. The question is how does having access to Google G Suite help your business?

One Example of How Google G Suite Transforms Businesses

Let’s take a look at how Google G Suite can help a business. For example, Company “BigCorp” (a fictitious company) is frustrated with how their teams are communicating, or not communicating. They’re not working as efficiently as they could and not everyone is using their current apps.

One reason “BigCorp” employees are not collaborating is not everyone has the same tools and technologies. Currently, they are operating their productivity apps on-prem and not in a cloud. This is a barrier.

Especially, since most of “BigCorp” employees are now working remotely and using their own devices. Their employees want access to the same suite of services and same data, but it has to accommodate any device. Also, they want to access it anytime and from anywhere in the world.

First, “BigCorp” assesses their IT services contracts and costs. During their review, they determined that migrating to a cloud based productivity app would cut costs and increase collaboration.

There are a lot of platform options, but they need a platform that allows their teams to collaborate in real time. More importantly, one that facilitates real time collaboration across apps like email, calendar, online connections both chat and video conferencing and document collaboration.

Not to mention, they need a platform with security controls and protocols that can be customized to their environment. As well as one that meets their compliance and regulatory requirements which includes defining where their data is located at rest. The solution is Google G Suite.

Second, “BigCorp” needs help migrating from their on-prem environment to Google G Suite. While they have an IT team, their team is dedicated to a large customer focused project. They can’t pull their IT team away to handle the cloud migration. That’s where Clarity comes in.

Working with “BigCorp” from the outset, Clarity is able to review their IT services contracts and costs. Helping them realize cost savings. After surveying the various platform options in the marketplace and “BigCorp” weighing their long-term technology strategies, Google G Suite offered the best choice, collaborative tools and efficiencies.

Finally, by working collaboratively with the “BigCorp” IT team, Clarity’s cloud solutions specialists handle the cloud migration seamlessly. Ensuring business continuity and clear collaboration. The result is that “BigCorp” employees can work remotely, increasing their collaboration and productivity.

If you want to learn more about how Google G Suite and how cloud based productivity apps can increase collaboration and help your business, connect with Clarity today.