Virtual Private Servers

Clarity’s Virtual Private Servers (VPS) Plans offer high availability and are extremely scalable. Whatever your VPS needs, we create a customized VPS hosting plan for your business.

Also, Clarity’s VPS Plans are flexible. Whether you have low or high traffic applications, websites, remote users or database servers, Clarity’s full spectrum of hosting experts work with you to create a custom plan.

What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

A VPS uses virtualization technology to create multiple virtual servers out of one powerful server. However, it’s also a private environment. Meaning your business won’t need to share RAM, CPU or any data with other data center clients. 

Also, Clarity’s VPS hosting offers the same high-level technical support, cybersecurity and privacy as a dedicated server, but at an affordable price. 

Benefits of Clarity’s VPS Hosting

  • Affordable flexible pricing.
  • Private hosting environment where you can install custom software, or any operating system. 
  • 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee
  • A secure dedicated virtual server on a Clarity hypervisor cluster.
  • Ability to deploy your own dedicated private server using dedicated resources such as disk space, CPU, RAM and Storage. Security first approach in customizing your VPS plan using the best cybersecurity.

  • Redundant hardware managed by Clarity’s 24/7 365 expert customer support
  • Trusted Clarity hosting audit to assess your current and future VPS needs.

Clarity Virtual Private Server (VPS) Plans

ArchitecturevRAM / vCPU /vSSDMonthly
(Starting At)
Connect with Clarity
VPS 14 GB / 2 / 80 GB $39.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 28 GB / 2 / 80 GB$89.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 38 GB / 4 / 100 GB$79.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 416 GB / 4 / 100 GB$169.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 516 GB / 8 / 180 GB$159.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 632 GB / 8 / 180 GB$339.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 748 GB / 16 / 500 GB$479.00Get a Free Quote
VPS 864 GB / 20 / 660 GB$639.00Get a Free Quote

How do I choose a Clarity VPS Hosting Plan?

Clarity makes choosing a VPS plan simple. Instead of making you do all the work, Clarity will audit your current environment. During our audit, we assess your needs based on your business plans. Finally, Clarity will provide you with a flexible affordable custom plan. It’s that easy.

Whether you want your website and applications to run faster, expand to increase traffic volume or are experiencing high traffic volumes, a Clarity VPS plan meets your needs and grows with your business.

Connect with Clarity to find out how Clarity’s VPS plan can help you reach your business goals.