Clarity Secure Cloud

Whether you’re using a public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud or multicloud environment, Clarity Secure Cloud secures and protects your cloud. Our cloud security team concentrates on developing customized technology solutions, protecting your networks and data. Giving you the freedom to focus on your business.

Moving to the cloud means your networks not only need to scale up without compromising productivity and reliability, but also require dependable security. That’s why Clarity created a full spectrum of cloud security services.

Clarity Secure Cloud services protect your networks and your data. It’s an extra layer of support built on solid IT security and cybersecurity expertise beyond best practices. 

Benefits of Clarity Secure Cloud

  • 24/7 365 Full Spectrum Support and cloud cybersecurity expertise.
  • Proactive identification of security threats.
  • Real time cloud monitoring. 
  • Data protection and privacy solutions.
  • Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW).
  • Web Application Firewalls.
  • Crypto VPNs.
  • Sandbox.
  • Endpoint Protection.
  • Management and Automation across multiple cloud platforms.
  • Analytics that visualize network threats and identify vulnerabilities.

  • Logging and Event Management. 
  • Vulnerability assessments and PEN test.
  • DDoS mitigation centers.
  • Top tier security in Clarity’s Canadian based colocation and data centers.

Clarity Secure Cloud Plans

 Clarity Secure
Cloud 1
Clarity Secure
Cloud 2
Clarity Secure
Cloud 3
Web Application Firewalls
Next Generation Firewalls – NGFW 
Endpoint Protection 
Crypto VPNs 
Logging and Event Management  
*Vulnerability Assessment  
*PEN Test  
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How do I choose a Plan?

Clarity works with you to identify your cloud cybersecurity needs. Our cloud cybersecurity experts audit your current cloud environment and provide leading security technology solutions. It’s that straightforward. 

Whether you’re using a public cloud, dedicated private cloud, hybrid cloud or multicloud environment, Clarity plans are seamlessly integrated. We skillfully protect your cloud. Leaving you to concentrate on your business.

Connect with Clarity to find out how Clarity’s cloud cybersecurity and which Clarity Secure Cloud Plan protects you.