Public Cloud Canada

No two clouds are the same. That’s why Clarity’s offers a full spectrum of cloud computing options and cloud services, including a public cloud in Canada.

Whether you’re looking to migrate to the public cloud, need a hybrid cloud or multicloud, Clarity’s custom cloud solutions are flexible, affordable, scalable and secure.

Additionally, Clarity’s full spectrum of cloud expertise gives you options. Our cloud solutions specialists focuses on cloud security. Working with you, we pinpoint your needs and challenges. 

Plus, Clarity’s full spectrum Canadian cloud services means you have access to a full spectrum of cloud platforms:

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure 
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 

Also, Clarity’s Mac Cloud options means your business truly has access to a full spectrum of public cloud platforms. 

Finding Clarity in the Clouds — Building it, Managing it and More

Making Cloud Migration Simple — Clarity Cloud Solutions

Clarity believes migrating to the cloud should be clear, simple and cost effective. That’s why Clarity is dedicated to making cloud migration easy. Working with you at every stage, Clarity’s cloud solutions specialists deliver seamless and effective cloud migration. At the same time, Clarity works with you to control and manage your cloud costs through contract optimization strategies.

Benefits of Clarity Public Cloud Services in Canada

  • Expert cloud readiness assessment and consultation.
  • Cloud building and testing of infrastructure through automated deployments with continuous integration and delivery.
  • Clarity secure cloud and cloud cybersecurity.
  • Real time cloud monitoring.

Connect with Clarity to create an affordable custom cloud solution for your business.

How many cloud platforms are there?

There are a number of different cloud platforms. Though, they all use the standard cloud computing model. However, the term cloud computing is a broad term used for any model delivering hosted services over the Internet. 

The major cloud categories are:

Public Cloud:
Private Cloud:
Hybrid Cloud:

How do I know which cloud platform works for my business?

Your cloud needs to be built your way. That’s why no two clouds are the same. Clarity makes identifying which cloud computing platform suits your business. Rather than leaving you to figure it out, Clarity performs a cloud readiness assessment for you. 

Throughout our assessment, Clarity consults with you to develop a strategy based on your needs. Then, Clarity provides you with an affordable and scalable custom cloud solution.

Connect with Clarity to find out how Clarity Public Cloud Canada can help your business.