Benefits of Anka Mac Private Cloud

One of the benefits of Clarity’s Mac Cloud is it’s based in Canadian data centers. Another benefit is Clarity provides Mac Private Cloud clients the ability to build their Mac Private cloud, their way. While also knowing Clarity can fully manage it. Also, a big benefit is working with Veertu’s Anka Build software.

Benefits of Anka Build Managed Cloud

Anka Build Managed Cloud is a fully configured macOS private cloud built on top of Veertu’s Anka Build software.

Since it comes fully configured, your company can start creating and using its macOS VMs.

Not to mention, they can:

  • build VM templates for a specific macOS version;
  • create tags for those templates that contain specific dependences and state; and,
  • then provision on-demand VMs using those templates and tags.

Plus, the integration of Anka Build Cloud with your company’s Continuous Integration (CI) systems is available using Anka managed open-source plugins or runners for GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Teamcity, GitLab CI, Buildkite and even use a REST API to connect with your company’s custom CI software. By easily integrating with your company’s CI system using open-source options results in no integration overhead.

Working with Anka Build Managed Cloud, Clarity Mac Cloud clients have scalable and affordable options. Your company can add new machines swiftly through a simple support ticket, instead of a complicated process.

Likewise, your company can securely connect their Anka Build Cloud to internal networks and/or public clouds through Certificate Authentication features.

Anka Build Managed Cloud also allows companies to run their builds and tests inside of Anka VMs on new generation 2018 Mac Mini and 2019 Mac Pro Apple Hardware with minimal, if any, loss of performance.

Finally, with Anka Build Managed Cloud, your company’s CI/CD jobs run inside an ephemeral VM. Meaning your company doesn’t have to clean it after each run. It can also ensure the specific state of the VM each time you start a CI/CD job.

It’s clear, there are a lot of reasons why developers and companies choose Anka Build Managed Cloud.

Connect with Clarity to learn more about Anka Mac Cloud Plans.