Full Spectrum Support

Clarity is committed to full spectrum customer support. This means Clarity clients receive services at a standard of excellence exceeding the hosting and cybersecurity industries’ best practices. 

How does Clarity Provide Full Spectrum Support?

Clarity believes that providing a full spectrum of tech solutions means providing comprehensive customer service and tech support for all clients.

Every Clarity client receives the same high quality customer support and service. Regardless of the size of their business or size of their problem. Our customer support covers everything from personalized support service, hardware replacement to uptime. 

24/7 365 Personalized Customer Support

We pay attention to your needs with our personal customer support. That means receiving thorough and meticulous attention to solving your issue. Since every business has a unique set of technology challenges, you need impeccable personalized customer services. That’s what Clarity’s Full Spectrum Support provides – personalized support. 

If you have an issue, Clarity’s support specialists work with you and your team until your tech issue is resolved. We ensure you get the IT help and customer support you need – when you need it. 

Clarity clients can access our Full Spectrum Support 24/7 365 days a year, whenever you want.

When you need to personal customer support, Clarity is always ready to answer your needs.

1 Hour Dedicated Server Hardware Replacement Guarantee

Clarity stands behind our 1 hour hardware replacement guarantee for all dedicated hardware. Our 1 hour time starts from the moment Clarity receives your ticket, our identification of failed hardware components and the scheduled maintenance window negotiated with you, our client. 

Dedicated hardware includes: 

Guaranteeing Power and HVAC Availability

Being online all the time is critical. Whether you are working remotely from home or in your office, you need to ensure your systems will always be available. 

As part of our Full Spectrum Support, Clarity guarantees that our power and HVAC systems will be available 100% of the time. So, no matter where you are or what time it is, your systems will have the power necessary for your business needs.

Our 99.9% Network Uptime Guarantee

Clarity guarantees that the core network will be available 99.9% of the time. 

Network downtime happens when you can’t transmit or receive data caused by failure of core network equipment managed or owned by your data center service provider. Clarity understands how any downtime can impact your bottom line. 

That’s why, all Clarity clients are eligible for credits for network downtime of any breach verified by Clarity’s technical support team. 

Immediate Access to TorIX

As a Clarity client, you get access to the Toronto Internet Exchange (TorIX) network. This means you get the advantages of TorIX peering, which is the way two Internet networks connect and exchange traffic. This allows a direct hand off of traffic between your customers. With TorIX, Clarity clients benefit from a reliable exchange for their traffic with increased routing control and optimizing performance. 

Connect with Clarity to learn more about Clarity’s Full Spectrum Support.