Disaster Recovery & Backups

To avoid feeling helpless when an unplanned or devastating event happens, it is vital to think ahead with Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) and solid Backup strategies and recovery plans. But you need help planning for the unthinkable. Clarity’s blend of innovative technology solutions, deep knowledge of IT cybersecurity as well as Managed Service gives you a custom plan. You don’t have to feel helpless when you have Clarity’s team of Disaster Recovery and Backups specialists working with you.

Everyone knows that preparation and prevention are the key to managing a disaster, data breach or business wide crisis. However, sometimes disasters catch a business off-guard and can ruin a company. 

Working with Clarity’s team of Disaster Recovery and Backups specialists, you can be confident that you are prepared to weather any crisis.

Clarity Disaster Recovery Services – A Better Way to Prepare

When a disaster hits or suddenly your systems go down, that’s when your replication strategy, Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and backups must kick in. Ensuring that your data and business is protected. However, Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) requires a deep understanding of downtime tolerance, industry compliance and client expectations. You need the right approach; Disaster Recovery specialists and engineers that can create custom plans using the best technology service providers. 

Clarity’s Disaster Recovery & Data Recovery Edge – Our Leading Technology Partners

As the Canadian leader in customer focused technology solutions, we continually develop partnerships with leading technology providers. Expanding the range of expertise, products and services that meet all our clients’ needs, now and in the future. Our partnerships are your edge when it comes to innovative technology solutions. So we can deliver robust disaster recovery and data protection solutions. 

Clarity Silver Veeam Cloud & Service Provider Partner

Clarity is a Silver Veeam Cloud & Service Provider partner. Veeam is a global leader in providing backup solutions, delivering Cloud Data Management and business continuity. 

With Veeam, Clarity clients get:

Strong technology partnerships with recognized technology leaders, such as Veeam, are crucial in serving your needs. Accessing the best disaster recovery and data backup solution is especially important when it comes to making sure your data is protected.

Taking a Full Spectrum Approach to Disaster Recovery

You need Disaster Recovery experts who look at your whole business, because a disaster impacts your entire business. Therefore, a trusted and solid DRP takes a comprehensive view and ensures business continuity. 

That’s why Clarity’s Disaster Recovery experts and engineers take a full spectrum approach. They take the time to assess and map out your needs. They look at your whole business from your infrastructure architecture providing redundancy and replication options, cybersecurity, and helping with industry regulatory compliance requirements.

Clarity’s full spectrum approach to disaster recovery looks deeper to assess your complete disaster recovery needs. 

For example….

Connect with Clarity to find out how our Disaster Recovery engineers can develop the most effective DR strategy to mitigate outages and safeguard your environment today.

Backups, Recovery and Data Protection

Having the right backup and recovery strategy is critical. Not only should it be part of your DRP but also part of your data protection and IT security protocols. Clarity works closely with every client to assess their backup and recovery needs. 

Clarity offers backup and recovery services for on-prem, public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

We provide image and file level recovery for:

Clarity shapes your backup strategies to your needs. Our backup specialists and engineers examine closely and personally work with each environment. Creating a custom effective continuity strategy that meets and ensures your specific industry requirements are in place. 

We perform a deep analysis to ensure that you have the proper level of protection against data loss and corruption. Clarity also develops an effective mitigation plan for hardware failure or user/application errors. 

Each Clarity client is allocated a dedicated backup VLAN. This ensures all backup traffic is isolated from production network segments. Also, the GUI for our File-Level Backups provides a reliable, flexible and easy to manage solution. 

Plus, we customize each backup schedule and design it to be executed during periods of minimal traffic load. 

Clarity Image Backups

Clarity provides Image Backup strategies. Image based backup means your data can be collected in a single file, or image. Thereby, providing the ability for an updated bare metal restore with each image-based backup.

Clarity image backup services are affordable and start at:

Our image backup services include:

Clarity File Level Backups

Clarity offers file level backup options. Our file level backup lets you save single files or individual folders to a remote location. We use a highly intuitive GUI design with agent backups. This allows clients to configure and define which partition, folder or files to backup. 

File Level Backup pricing is based on how much storage is used and needed on a monthly basis. 

If you require less, we offer the flexibility to move between pricing tiers based on your individual needs. 

Clarity file backup services are affordable and start at:

Our file backup services include:

Finally, billing is based on the backup agent license and amount of backup storage allocated. Backup strategies and retention periods are defined and managed by the client.

Connect with Clarity, to find out how backup specialists and engineers can help you protect your data.