Do You Know Where Your Data is Stored?

You aren’t alone if you don’t know where your company’s data is stored. Most Canadians and businesses think their data is stored in Canada, but often it’s not.

Your company may store its data in the cloud, but the issue is where that cloud’s server is located? Emails, databases, websites and any information considered consumer data are regulated by the laws of where the server is located.

In Canada, hosting and cloud storage falls under the Personal and Electronic Documents Act.

How is Data Storage a Privacy Issue?

Canada has among the strictest privacy protection laws and is known for being on par with EU and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Canadian privacy and data protection laws such as Canada’s Personal and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), covers all consumer data across Canada.

PIPEDA is designed to protect sensitive and personal data. This includes data storage, data protection and how this data is transferred. Also, depending on what type of business you run, you may be unable to transfer data outside of Canada.

In essence, where your company’s data is stored falls under privacy legislation. Making data storage a privacy issue.

Using Canadian Hosting or Cloud Service Doesn’t Guarantee its in Canada

For example, a small business is looking for Toronto based hosting or cloud services. The business owner’s online search turns up what looks like a few Toronto hosting and cloud services companies.

In fact, what they’ve found are hosting and cloud services resellers. Meaning that the company is Canadian, but the actual cloud and hosting is provided by a third party physically outside of Canada. 

Are Mac Hosting or Mac Cloud More Vulnerable?

Businesses using a Mac Hosting or Mac Cloud need to be vigilant to vulnerabilities.

Not many hosting and cloud storage companies have expertise in Mac hosting and Mac cloud services. Particularly in the Canadian data center industry. Increasing the risk that your business is contracting its Mac hosting or cloud services from resellers.

The best way to minimize this risk, not only with Mac hosting and cloud storage, is working with a company with data centers actually located on Canadian soil. Guaranteeing the Apple infrastructure storing your company’s data is actually based in Canada and not the United States.

Canadian Data Centers — Security and Privacy Compliance

Data sovereignty is required by both the Canadian Privacy Act and PIPEDA. Also, there are a number of additional regulations and laws both Federally and Provincially restricting the movement of personal data. Not to mention, any industry or sector specific security and privacy requirements.

Knowing where your hosting or cloud is physically located is part of ensuring you’re compliant with Canada’s privacy laws. Plus, any industry or sector privacy needs. It’s vital for all businesses operating or conducting business in Canada. Because even though information crosses borders, your business remains liable for any problems.

If you’re unsure where your company’s data is stored, then find out. Privacy compliance and safeguarding your data starts with confirming where your data is physically stored.

To get more information on Clarity’s Toronto and Ontario data centers, contact us.